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Special Features: crude oil plummeted and the situation ...

Israeli news sites that attract attention in the coverage of the ... Crude oil prices have plummeted. US production standard oil species (WTI) is October day, North Sea Brent crude oil of the UK production is by dividing the barrel = 0 to $ 0 May day, I rush to 0 dollars. This level is then also followed. Cause of the plunge is a relaxation of supply and demand. On the supply side, a large effect of production of US shale oil has soared. It's also a high level even production volume of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) oil-producing countries. Crude oil production of the OPEC of the month is a day the amount of 00,000 barrels, was about an increase compared to the month. Once in October, expanding Saudi Arabia, Iran, because there were numerous local reports that Iraq has reduced the export price, ran to the production share ensure collapsed cooperative of OPEC, observation of the price competition is intensifying in the market. Selling in the crude oil futures market has become dominant. Retraction of the geopolitical risk was also applied to the price decline.
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