Israeli news sites that attract attention in the coverage of the ...

Middle East unrest, responsibility rice and = Iran president ...

Israeli news sites that attract attention in the coverage of the ... Rouhani President of Iran is the day, with express and do not want the conflict in the Middle East, had caused the Yemen civil war has claimed that it is a military coalition that the United States and Saudi Arabia led. Iran's domestic media has reported. Rouhani President [We do not want the conflict in the region. Who caused the dispute. Not a Yemeni people. This of in the region started the war, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the United States, some European countries, said the (Jewish) Zionist's]. The attack on Yemen of parent Iran armed organization by the day of Saudi oil facilities, Rouhani President, pointed out that with the implications of [warning] against attacks on such as Yemen of hospitals and schools by force, which is the Saudi system. According to the Tasumin communication of Iran, Khatami Defense Minister, denied involvement in the Saudi oil facility attack. [This matter is very clear. Countries (Yemen and Saudi Arabia) but that the battle has been waged between] and that was said.
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