Israeli news sites that attract attention in the coverage of the ...

The situation in the Middle East tension | precious metal purchase ...

Israeli news sites that attract attention in the coverage of the ... In response to a request the Gulf countries of Yemen interim government, such as Saudi Arabia, the start of the air strikes against Shiite militia [Houthis]. The back of the Houthis has been considered that there is Iran, there is a possibility to develop even in a situation involving the entire Middle East. Heightened geopolitical risk response to the tense situation in the Middle East, became a deployment that is also raising other commodity prices on the pretext that the crude oil has soared. Precious metals also soared, gold is beyond the stretch 00 US dollars. Rise to $. After that, the United States, but new jobless claims have cut the upside in that it has improved while day Rento topped 00 dollars was achieved. It is gold there is a momentum, but, ETF has been started to decline, but I was good even if there is soon adjusted. For geopolitical risk, and most reaction initial unless compelling no significant new material. Excessive expectation is taboo.
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