Israeli news sites that attract attention in the coverage of the ...

Recommend fundamentals | situation in the Middle East that ...

Israeli news sites that attract attention in the coverage of the ... Needless to say ahead of the Israeli general election, will be my belief that say that supposed to be some action, but it came at last, is the impression that. Saudi and Israel will be allies in the United States in the Middle East. Eventually that increase the pressure on the current Iran, ahead of the playing cards of the election, Iran to increase its pressure has to guess it would be a natural consequence because as a national policy Israel annihilate. Trump from a variety of Israel lobby, originally, there is speculation that want to win the Israeli vote of Democratic Party support. The first place without any basis in increased pressure to this time of Iran, of course, I can not possibly even there I to know, anyone, why, can not be well explained to the United States has suddenly increased the pressure on Iran. One of Iran since Khomeini revolution, because Israel annihilate it's a national purpose, possibly such as the Middle East peace plan of playing cards of the son-in-law, not even supposed to be accepted, as a result has to support, such as Hezbollah (negative officially ).
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