Israeli news sites that attract attention in the coverage of the ...

Fight of terrorism and national confusion was spread by the ego of ...

Israeli news sites that attract attention in the coverage of the ... Such as Macedonia Kingdom and the Ottoman Turkish empire of Alexander the Great because the Middle East, there is also a time when the mighty conquerors had ruled, but originally it is tribal land pattern that population had been gently holding one's ground. If it is found that entered the 20th century is sleeping huge oil under the Middle Eastern desert, Western powers come embarked on colonial rule in search of oil interests. Britain and France and Russia under cover to Dosakusa of the next war signed a secret agreement (Saikusupiko Agreement), it was arbitrarily decided to divide and conquer the territory of the Ottoman Empire that was in a period of decline. Middle East of the border line of a straight line is it is this relic. Great powers is that ethnic and tribal has been divided by the appropriate minus artificial border, Kurdish problem, has become a major cause of conflict and tragedy in the Middle East until today, such as Yajidi and Coptic infidels problem. Many of the countries of the Middle East from the front and rear of the next war has emerged from colonial rule to independence, but the framework of the nation-state brought in by Western powers was left as it is.
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