Israeli news sites that attract attention in the coverage of the ...

I [the Golan Heights]? World of kindling, [weekly news interest in ...

Israeli news sites that attract attention in the coverage of the ... The situation in the Middle East surrounding Israel is well covered in the news. News that the United States of Trump president also this week signed a document recognizing Israel's sovereignty on the Golan Heights was featured large. However, whether this thing of is why the big news, I think many people of the do not know. The situation in the Middle East surrounding Israel is based on a long history, is very complex. However, since there is no doubt it is a major flashpoint in the world, outline of the problem is I think a good idea to understand properly. The basic is every conflict of Jews and Palestinians. But he lived the Jews in this land BC, has released dispersed around the world by this land is dominated by the Roman Empire. After the World War, the Jews but was founded the country of Israel of their own in this land, Palestinians who lived there was thought to have been deprived of land of their own. Then and Israel, the Middle East war over degrees between the Arab countries to support the Palestinians took place.
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